Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
We are located in Plaza North at 6100 Veterans Parkway, Ste. 11, Columbus, GA 31909
We are open Monday – Thursday from 8 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
What is ABA?
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is the one-on-one teaching of communication, social interaction, play, academic and life skills. ABA uses reinforcement to reduce problem behaviors. Targeted skills are broken down into small steps and taught using prompts which are gradually faded until the skill is mastered. The child is given repeated opportunities to learn and practice these new skills in a variety of settings. Success is measured by extensive data collection and analysis.
What is a typical ABA therapy session like?
Sessions at the ALC are typically anywhere from two to six hours long and consist of short periods of structured time devoted to tasks and peer-to-peer interaction followed by frequent periods of free play for reinforcement and the opportunity to practice skills in new environments. Each ABA session is customized to each child’s skills, needs, interests, and preferences. The program will change as the needs and skill level of the child changes.
What ages do we serve?
We serve children between the ages of 2-21.
Do you offer parent training and support?
Yes, we hold periodic parent training and information sessions on a variety of topics. Recent sessions have included information on financial planning and special needs trusts and special education law. Parents are also invited to attend the monthly social meeting where parents share resources and get to know each other.
How much does ABA therapy cost?
Please contact our staff for information on therapy rates.
Is ABA therapy covered by insurance?
We provide ABA services reimbursed through the Tricare Echo program and the Autism Demonstration Project for active duty and retired military families. We welcome the opportunity to work with other insurance companies who provide coverage for ABA therapy.
Is there a waiting list?
There is no waiting list for services.
How do I get services started for my child?
Please call our office at 706-221-8966 to talk to a staff member and schedule an assessment.
Common ABA Terms
Probe – a checklist that details each skill being taught to the child during an ABA session and measures the outcome of each teaching trial.
Joint attention – sharing experiences of objects or events by following a gaze or using pointing gestures. Joint attention is critical for social development and language acquisition and is often a core deficit of children with autism.
Echolalia – repeating words or phrases either immediately after hearing the words or much later.
Expressive language – communication of ideas, intentions or desires to others through speech or printed words. Includes gestures, signing, communication boards, and other forms of expression.
Receptive language – the ability to comprehend words and sentences.
BCBA – Board Certified Behavior Analyst – a professional certified by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board who is trained in behavior analysis. A BCBA conducts descriptive and systematic behavioral assessments, including functional analyses, and provides behavior analytic interpretations of the results. The BCBA then designs and supervises behavior analytic interventions.
BCaBA – Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst – a BCaBA works under the supervision of a BCBA to conduct descriptive behavioral assessments and is able to interpret the results and design ethical and effective behavior analytic interventions for clients. The BCaBA designs and oversees interventions.
Perseveration – repetitive movement or speech, or sticking to one idea or task that has a compulsive quality to it.
Reinforcement – an object, activity or event following the child’s response that serves to increase or maintain the rate of responding.
Social stories – simple stories that describe social events and situations that are often difficult for children with autism to understand. Each story typically details a social situation, such as a birthday party, and appropriate behaviors and responses.
BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan) – a concrete plan of action to support children with inappropriate behavior.
Generalization – the ability to select and demonstrate a learned skill in a setting different from the one where it was originally taught.
VB MAPP – (The Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program): The VB-MAPP is a criterion-referenced assessment tool, curriculum guide, and skill tracking system that is designed for children with autism, and other individuals who demonstrate language delays. The VB-MAPP is based on B.F. Skinner’s (1957) analysis of verbal behavior, established developmental milestones, and research from the field of behavior analysis.
ABLLS-R – (The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills- Revised): an assessment tool, curriculum guide, and skills-tracking system used to help guide the instruction of language and critical learner skills for children with autism or other developmental disabilities. It provides a comprehensive review of 544 skills from 25 skill areas including language, social interaction, self-help, academic and motor skills that most typically developing children acquire prior to entering kindergarten.
Social reciprocity – the back and forth flow of social interaction. How behavior of one person influences and is influenced by the behavior of another and vice versa.
Symbolic play – when children pretend to do things and be something or someone else. Also called make believe play.